Finding construction area and explosion zones

Construction area

Sometimes large construction sites require division into smaller construction areas. A plant layout is divided into numbered rectangles. Each set of equipment must be assigned the number of the rectangle in which it is contained. Identifying rectangles and equipment XY coordinates is not a complicated task, and can be accomplished with the Excel function. Nevertheless, I decided to challenge myself by augmenting this basic function so that it will produce visual graphics. The graphics themselves visualize construction area rectangles and display equipment location over the plant layout.

Explosion zones

After encountering technical problems with a 3D model software, I was tasked with verifying whether plant equipment locations are in or out of explosion zone spheres. Since spheres are 3D shapes, I added Z coordinates to the calculation, as well as 2 additional ZX and ZY side views. The program’s purpose is to calculate the distance between equipment XYZ and an explosion zone center. If an item is in the sphere, it returns the distance (darker cell color, shorter distance to the center) and an explosion zone ID. The program also addresses overlapping zones.